Fit After 50
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Dances for Adult Singles Ages 50+

   Our 50+ "baby boomer" age group is the largest segment (26.1%) of the Colorado population but only a few nightclubs cater to us or play the music we understand. 

   We don't drink a lot and we don't go out multiple nights a week. 

   Consequently, Boomer Social Network creates social events with the right atmosphere plus the music our adult singles enjoy at luxury hotels and country clubs.

    Our monthly dances are held at the high-rise Sheraton Denver Tech Center Hotel in Greenwood Village, The Red Lion Hotel in Southeast Aurora and the Doubletree North Hotel in Westminster. Holiday Weekend Picnics are held at Foothills Golf Course in Lakewood and Creekside Park in Glendale.

   The $15 admission charge pays for the facility rental, entertainment, food or the first drink or soft drinks. There are no membership dues.

   We e-mail a Weekly Adult Singles Entertainment newsletter to more than 1,300 adult singles describing social events and activities that we think will appeal to our age group.

   At our events, we play familiar music of the 1960's through 80's. This is the music of our generation--not your kids' music--and all of it is played for dancing.

   To be added to our invitation list, fill in the simplified e-mail sign up box provided.

   Thank you.

How to Attend an Adult Singles 50+ Dance

(Reprinted from Boomer Parties in New York City)

Click picture to ZOOM

Group dance lessons and mixers get singles together early.

We all know that meeting new people can be very hard when you are in your 50's and '60's!

Most of us did not expect to be single at this point of our lives.  We did not expect divorce or the death of a spouse.

Many people who have tried internet dating have gotten very disappointed! That is why singles parties are the best way to meet someone new face-to-face and have fun doing it!

Walking in alone to a singles party can be hard for most of us, but the thought of being alone the rest of your life can be down right scary!

That's why you need to at least try every opportunity to attend a party! Every party will attract new people and you will at least have more of a chance of meeting someone special than sitting home alone!

Here are some easy tips to help you have a good time at a singles party:

Enter the room with a smile. 

Don't be afraid to flirt. Compliment someone.

Buy a drink for someone whom you wish to speak with. • If you really like someone, tell him or her.

If there is no one you are attracted to in the room, at least have fun talking, socializing or dancing and enjoying having a night out instead of just sitting home alone!

If someone asks you to dance, say yes! It is only for one dance and will make the other person  feel good you said yes.  No one enjoys being rejected!

Don't worry about finding Mr. or Mrs. Right. Just have fun at the party meeting new people!

Develop the habit of making friends everywhere you go, regardless of their attractiveness or gender. It's not only good practice, but it also opens up your world to many other possibilities.

The new friend may invite you to a party where you will meet a single friend of theirs.

Say hello to people you might have seen before at other singles events. You will make both of you feel more at ease at the event.

If you do click with a "special someone" at the party, do follow-up with a phone call or an email. Let them know you are interested in them and would like to see them again!  Not all people are mind-readers, let them know they mean something special to you!


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